CYChO Concert, Aula Max, UCC

Posted on 27 November 2011
CYChO perform at the Aula Maxima, UCC, Sat 26th Nov 2011.

The Cork Youth Chamber Orchestra brought their inaugural year to a close at the same venue as their first performance at the Aula Maxima, UCC Cork. In the past 11 months the Orchestra has performed seven concerts, with concerts in the Crawford Art Gallery as part of National Drawing Day, they performed at the very special venue of the Masonic Hall, on Culture night, and have also given concerts in aid of deserving charities such as the Wilton Lions Club, the Ballintotis community hall fund, and the Sundays Well Girls School music fund. This Orchestra currently with over twenty members, under Conductor Adrian Petcu the calibre of their performances are gaining high recognition

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