CYO activities

Both the Junior and Senior Youth Orchestras rehearse on a weekly basis. Members are required to attend regularly. An absence of three consecutive weeks (without prior written notification) will result in the player's membership of the orchestra being reviewed.

A weekend of 'sectional' rehearsals takes place, in general, 2 to 3 weeks into each new term. The Orchestra also arranges an annual mini-tour as a Christmas Concert preparatory weekend. For the past several years, this has involved orchestral performances in Bandon, and then in Killarney on the following night.


The Cork Youth Orchestra performs, in general, in the City Hall, Cork. The City Hall is renowned for its superb acoustics and, since its recent renovation, provides the perfect setting for our performances. Our Orchestras normally perform twice yearly. 

In addition to these performances, we also make a weekend tour to perform in Bandon and Killarney and, finally, we perform at a number of Festivals as they take place. Our Orchestras go on a major tour every 2 to 3 years and have performed twice at the European Festival of Youth Orchestras in Italy.
CYO is a member of IAYO, the Irish Association of Youth Orchestras.

Trips Away (Tours)

Over the last decade the Cork Youth Orchestra has Toured Wales, the Czech Republic, and Italy twice. We plan to tour again to Italy in 2023.
© Cork Youth Orchestras CLG. 2025
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